
Three fun activities for a Saturday night at home

Zoom party

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a complete change of life for everyone all over the world, with these changes being perhaps most evident in how people spend their leisure time. Whereas before the pandemic you might have spent your Saturday nights socializing with a large group of friends at a bar or restaurant, or at the movie theater on a date with your partner, due to local lockdowns and limited opening hours your weekends might now be more about watching Netflix on the sofa in your sweatpants. However, your weekends don’t have to be completely wasted during lockdown. Here are three fun activities you can do at home on a Saturday night.

  • Zoom party

If your Saturday night was previously taken up by partying with your friends at your local bar, you could try and replicate the sociable vibe by hosting a weekly catch up with your friends on Zoom. Not only will this allow you to stay in touch remotely, but it could help to bring a sense of routine that might help you to cope with life under lockdown. Set a specific time when you are all online and make sure that you have a glass of your favorite tipple close to hand, and you’ll soon be laughing with your friends as though you are all in the same room as one another. You could even organize group activities over Zoom, such as watching a film together to imitate a fun cinema night. 

  • Have a special meal 

With many restaurants now being closed or working at a reduced capacity and operating hours, you might get the chance to eat out as often as you might have previously. Considering this, now might be the ideal time to perfect your culinary skills. Chose a dish you have always wanted to make – it could be a favorite restaurant dish or a meal you have always been too daunted to try – and take the plunge to cook it. Like every skill, cooking is something that improves with practice, and you might leave lockdown with a signature dish under your belt. Or, if you like the break of someone else cooking, you could make Saturday your designated takeout night and order a meal from a restaurant offering takeout, such as

  • Play board games

Board games are a great way to bond with other members of your household whilst having a whole lot of fun. Classic board games such as Monopoly provide hours of fun for players across the generations, whether you are aged 9 or 99. Games are a good way to teach kids essential life skills such as good sportsmanship and fair play, and games like Charades help to develop specific skillsets like effective description. If you live in an adults-only household, and have an edgy sense of humor, you could play are weekly round or two of Cards Against Humanity; however, be warned: this game is not for the faint hearted!

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