
How to Improve the Reach of Your E-commerce Store

E-commerce Store

When you hear about the fact that e-commerce is on the rise, and more people than ever are looking to make online purchases, it paints a very rosy picture of the e-commerce industry as a whole. According to statistics from Statista, the online retail sales market in the US alone was worth $343.15 billion in 2019. It is projected to be worth $476.5 billion by the year 2024, showing just how fast the industry is growing. But even with such promising statistics, it doesn’t guarantee that an e-commerce store will be successful – there is a whole lot of work that goes into it.

If you’re an e-commerce retailer that is looking to improve the reach of your store, and thereby realize greater success, here are some tips that you’ll want to start using.

Make All Content on the Site Searchable

One of the first things you can be looking into is making sure that all content/products/services on your storefront can be searched. The search tool should be easy to spot and use, and provide quick and seamless results for visitors to the site. Potential customers often have a clear picture in their mind of what they are looking for, so they want to find it quickly and easily.

Embrace Text Messaging Marketing

Another tool in the tool chest for e-commerce storefronts is text messaging marketing. This is a digital form of marketing that can prove to be quite effective and allow you to reach targeted market sectors. Tatango is a company that is working with its clients to offer them enterprise texting software, which can be very effective in driving new customers, sales, and of course revenue.

The way text messaging marketing works is that a promotional message is sent directly to a recipient’s mobile device. They need to subscribe or opt in to the service, which means they are already showing an interest in your content.

Make Use of Social Media Networks

Your store should also be engaged on social media networks in order to get the word out. These platforms allow you to engage with customers, post details on products and services, promote upcoming sales, and even post pictures of products. It’s just another way to reach people and ensure you’re not missing out on any potential customers.

Boost Interest with a Contest or Sale

Reaching more customers sometimes requires the use of an incentive. You need to give them a reason to check out the store, and that could be in the form of a contest or a big sale. A contest signals something free they could win, and a sale is money saved – both of these rank highly in the eyes of shoppers.

If you’re going to go this route, be sure to give thought to how you will advertise and get the word out about the sale or contest.

The final tip is to expect that you will need to keep up with these efforts on a consistent basis. This is the only way to bring in new customers, and keep the existing ones engaged and ready to shop.

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