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A Step-by-Step Guide on Preparing for Life in a Senior Residential Home

Senior Residential

If you are over the age of 55 and have made the big decision to move into a senior residential home, or it is something you are considering, it is important to be well informed on how you should prepare for your new life. 

As exciting as it is to have the opportunity to become a part of an expanding community of other retired couples and individuals, you should also be knowledgeable about the process of moving and the things you need to be prepared for that you may not have considered. Any house move can be overwhelming, but if your new home is situated in an area you have never been before or out of state entirely, the move may be particularly stressful, which is expected for anyone who is entering a completely different environment. 

Find the Right Community for You

Did you know there are over twenty-thousand different residential homes for seniors in the United States alone? There are thousands upon thousands of different communities out there that may be closer to you than you might think. Frontier Management is just one of these facilities, which you can find out more on at

First, you may want to search the internet for local communities to you and do your research on their facility and services. Who knows, you may find your perfect new home is only a few miles away, which is great if you are used to being local to your loved ones and enjoy seeing them regularly. However, you may want a fresh start altogether and prefer the idea of moving further out. If this is the case, you can spend more time looking up facilities that may be of interest to you until you fully determine which one you think would be best suited for you and your needs. 

When a person retires, it does not mean their life is over; in fact, it is the beginning of a brand-new chapter. It makes sense to share it with others. 

Preparing for the Move

The first thing you should do as soon as you have decided on a facility is visit the room you will be living in for the foreseeable future. This is advisable for making measurements and determining exactly how much room is available for furniture and to get an idea of how it will all look once you have moved in. 

Visiting the room while it is empty also gives you the opportunity to get a feel for what it will be like to live there. At the same time, you can explore some of the facility grounds to get a sense of the community and imagine yourself finally being part of it. It also might give you the opportunity to meet staff members while you are there, which will add to your understanding of what it will feel like to live in the facility as you chat with a few friendly faces. Hopefully, visiting your new home will make you feel more at ease about the transition as you slowly familiarize yourself with your new environment. 

Other important things you should do before you move in:

  • Check what is provided for you and what isn’t, e.g., sheets, towels, and cooking appliances
  • Declutter your belongings so that you only take what you need
  • Ensure you have all the essentials that will not be provided for you, e.g., clothes, self-care tools such as a hairbrush, etc.
  • Get assistance with your packing to ensure you have everything you need

The Moving Process

If you currently live in your forever home and have lived there for a considerable number of years, your home will hold an infinite number of cherished memories, you will not want to get rid of, and you do not have to! 

Moving away from the home you raised all your children, the home where you got married and hosted many family get-togethers, can be upsetting. You may feel as if you are almost going to be leaving parts of your life behind. However, you should not feel guilty about taking the step to move into a smaller place because life does not stay the same forever, and your needs do change as you get older. 

Suddenly, what once was a house that was the perfect size is far too big for you to manage alone, and that is perfectly fine. 

View the move as that you are turning over a new leaf and remind yourself that you are doing what is best for you at this time. 

Tips on moving to your new residence:

  • Pack light 
  • Ask for help from friends and family if you need it
  • Do not fret; you will be in safe hands

Settling in

The hardest part is over; it is time to make your new surroundings feel as homely as possible. This can be done in many ways, but the most obvious way to make yourself feel at home anywhere is to surround yourself with the things you love. If you are particularly fond of paintings and you used to have many hanging up in your old house, why not put them up in your new space? Not only will you be adding your own touch to your new room, but it will also make you feel more comfortable as it will begin to feel more like home. 

If you know, one of the hardest things about moving will be missing your loved ones, particularly if your residency is several hours away from your family; surround yourself with all your cherished photographs. Even if you cannot physically see the faces of your loved ones as often as you would normally, seeing photos of them will make you feel like you are always close to them.

Preparing for your new life in a senior residential home can present a variety of challenging emotions, but it is important to remember why you decided to take this step in the first place. As daunting as it may seem to move away from the comfort of your own home, there is a community out there waiting for you. 

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