
A look at cloud computing and how it’s transforming modern business

cloud computing

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last decade, chances are good that you will have heard the term ‘cloud computing’ bandied around at some point. Cloud provisioning has become one of the fastest-growing parts of the entire IT and computer industry and is bringing untold benefits to companies of all sizes in all sectors. 

Cloud computing – a 101

Contrary to what its name might suggest, cloud computing has nothing to do with the white fluffy things we see in the sky. Rather, the term is used to describe any computing service that is performed remotely and, most often, delivered over the internet. Cloud computing can include anything from storing files to running software and performing processing tasks. 

Using these cloud services frees up companies and their employees to work on and access documents (often on a collaborative basis), from anywhere they can find an internet connection. The concept of cloud computing was only made possible by today’s vastly improved connection speeds (both fixed-line and mobile) as well as increasingly powerful hardware and software. Companies like invest considerable sums in ensuring they run the best equipment for their clients, including offering support and help with migration to their cloud services.

For many, cloud computing represents the future of IT

When you consider the cloud computing sector is still very much in its infancy, it’s somewhat understandable why so many computer experts suggest the technology could represent the future of IT. Certainly, it’s true that more and more companies are increasingly moving their digital services to cloud providers and taking advantage of reduced running costs while gaining access to cutting edge services.

Possibly without realizing it, you likely already use cloud services

While the concept of the cloud might seem relatively alien and the preserve of large companies, in truth, it’s highly likely you already use some form of cloud-based service. For example, Netflix, Spotify and email services like Gmail rely heavily on cloud tech to offer their on-demand platforms. Likewise, online photo editors or photo storage apps (for example, Google Photos) also use the considerable space and processing power offered by larger, remote machines. 

Cloud platforms have the power to supercharge even the lowliest handheld device

Perhaps one of the greatest aspects of the cloud is that, by drawing on remote computing power, even the most basic or underpowered handhelds can be used to perform tasks far beyond their innate scope. For example, even the simplest device can be used to connect online to far more powerful machines and draw on their processing. 

This potential also gives rise to one of the most intriguing possible futures for cloud tech – namely that as our demand for smaller, lighter (yet more powerful) gadgets endures, we may see more and more small-form cloud-powered devices. Google has already started down this direction with its range of Chromebooks but, as the potential and scope of cloud services continue to grow, we might see the production of even thinner devices. With the processing and storage requirements all handled remotely, this could conceivably lead to laptops that consist only of a screen and keyboard. 

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