
3 Tips to Help You Sail Through Remote Working

Remote Working

While we might not have expected it, this year we have seen working patterns across the board shift dramatically. Global restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic have meant that more and more people have had to embrace remote working, and it looks as if this pattern is here to stay in the future. If you have found the move to remote working to be more challenging than you expected though, you’re not alone. What started out as a temporary fix has had to change into a more permanent work base that few were prepared for. Read on for some useful tips to help you enjoy remote working, and get the most out of it.

Have a clear working schedule

One of the most difficult things about working from home is maintaining a sense of consistency. If you have been used to a morning commute, then without realising it, this may have become an important step in helping you get started for the workday. While you might enjoy some practical cost savings with your travel removed, many workers have still found themselves missing their usual commute and finding it more difficult to shift into a working mode.

To resolve this, aim to give yourself a clear working schedule, much as you would have when going to your workplace. Start and finish at similar times everyday and, if you can, take some time to walk or move before you start your workday, to help you shift into your professional headspace. 

Make sure that you have all you need

Having the right equipment and support you need can make a huge difference when working from home. It might be tempting to enjoy the more casual atmosphere of your home, but using your laptop while on the sofa or in bed can actually create more problems, with the risk of back and neck strain, and more. 

If possible, ask your employer to consider having a managed IT set up with Zeta Sky or others, to ensure that all employees have all they need to work efficiently and productively, as well as practical tools such as a desk, laptop and extra screen, or anything else you may need.

Keep a boundary between your home and work life

It’s very tempting to blur the lines between your home and work life, when you no longer have any physical separation between the two, but this can lead to unhappiness in the long term. Your home should be a place where you can relax and feel comfortable, and ideally the stresses and challenges of your working day should be kept elsewhere. 

While it may not be possible to keep work out of the home, you can dedicate a physical space just for work, such as a desk area, or even a separate room, if you have it. While in this space, focus your attention purely on work as much as possible, and avoid getting distracted by the daily tasks of home life. Keeping a clear boundary between the two will then help you enjoy both, without feeling completely overwhelmed.

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