Everyone has reasons to save money, whether it be for a house, a holiday or a new car. It isn’t always easy to save money though, especially if you’re on a lower income. Sometimes you manage to put some money away only to spend it a month or two later. When this happens, it can be frustrating, and the thing you started saving for appears to move further and further away. If you’re struggling to save, but desperately want to achieve your goals, try using these tips to help you save smartly and efficiently.
Cut Luxuries
First of all, you will need to look at your current lifestyle and determine where you can cutback. If you tend to eat out regularly or meet friends for drinks and coffees in town, this is a good place to start. Instead, visit friends at their homes or have them over to yours the next time you want to catch up. Additionally, look at the brands of toiletries, make-up, clothing, even cleaning products that you buy and consider swapping them out for a cheaper, lesser-known brand.
There is always the opportunity to find discounted prices somewhere, both in physical stores and online retailers. For example, you could save a lot of money on items for your medicine cabinet by searching for an online chemist with cheap deals such as www.chemistdirect.com.au. There are many other discount websites and stores to visit or you could find a voucher and coupon website to get deals every day. These include vouchers for restaurants, a spa day, afternoon teas, and other experiences, which means you can treat yourself on a budget, too.
Savings Account
Opening a separate bank account for your savings will make the process a lot easier. By separating this money from your everyday bank account, you will be able to keep track of your finances and see how much money you have to work with. It could also be beneficial to open a third bank account that is assigned to your bills only. Work out how much your outgoings are for rent/mortgage, bills, and taxes each month and then take this amount out of your paycheck and straight into that account. That way you can see how much you have left, and decide how much you can afford to put into your savings account that month, too.
Saving money can be hard and there is always a temptation to splurge and spend your money on other frivolous things. This is why it’s good to keep yourself motivated and remind yourself regularly why you want to save money in the first place. Is it so that you can afford to buy your dream house? Is it so that you can travel the world? Is it so that you can take your kids to Disneyland next summer? Reminding yourself of your goals should help you to keep motivated.
It can be a challenge trying to save money, but when you finally have enough to book that holiday, you’ll be proud of yourself for managing to stick to your goals. Even the security of having savings to fall back on in times of need is a great comfort. Use these tips to help you save and achieve your financial goals.